Monday, February 24, 2014

“If you’re good I’ll get you a Happy Meal. Would you like that?” “—What? Our cable bill is going up AGAIN next month?” But there’s just no time.

Many thanks to Apiary Magazine & Steve Burns for putting this poem up for all the world to see! (Beautiful artwork to go along with it, too!)

Watch me perform this poem at the Lakeside Stride Bluegrass Festival in Denver, CO. At (04:17) of this video I read "The Eagle" by Lord Alfred Tennyson, then shoot into the blindfold poem. And then, well, I do Walt Whitman's "O Me! O Life!"

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Alright, so, how 'bout public intoxication?"

At the start of my poem, "Poembrace the Bloom" (~11:20), I've a line that goes: "all that blossoms is blessed." Immediately after I said that, a man in the audience sneezed a wonderful sneeze. Great moments really do happen at poetry readings. Have a look...Many thanks to Kathy Volk-Miller, Painted Bride Quarterly and the rest of the PBQ at the Black Sheep Pub Fest audience and crew!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014


PBQ is coming back to the fold! On Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 pm, the PBQ reading series will return to the Black Sheep Pub at 247 S. 17th St. We will feature two of our very own family members, PBQ editors Jason Schneiderman and Paul Siegell. Facebook invite here!