excerpt from *SET I*
“In music the passions enjoy themselves.”
“right on”-
stoked split-sec/onds of sensitive, extrAbstract
bandana-delicate aficionados patchwork’d in flux>
how the plan is to play jazz:
the happiness of having tickets—have you examined much:
the forensics of a parking lot?
eYeLeVeL w/ the spontaneous relationships & bizarre
bazaars of Jamband Tailgate Showcase Multitudes—
Come along, my friend my friends:
Shall we off to the estate?
after flirting in a minor key, the great “YEAH!” of rockNroll
cries out from inside—
of a peak’s release, a chills-guaranteeing song, of a peak’s
more ridiculous liftoff:
thru suburbs> thru cities> thru college towns> in cargo-
pocketed/patchwork gear past picturesque
geometrics of agriculture—
“If you have it, a truck driver brought it” an 18-wheeler
reads, rolling—
for MILES! tough/tired/hyper miles on roads of perspective
like summer-long light & airy dresses:
10s of 1000s of InfoAgers_show themselves: revived, elated,
exhausted, partaking, & partaking while studying
old-but-still-relevant live performances—
of bootlegs teaching Music, teaching scene: boot as
souvenir/collection; as in, “I was at this show—
That cheering is me!”
ah, yer damn right they show themselves; we show
ourselves b/c the music helps us feel like
thru suburbs> thru cities> thru college towns>
is it the Crowd’s Energy, or the Energy’s Crowd?
focus the feisty restless ambitious—the self~medicating
over-stimulated university major-changers jousting
with “I think I know what I wanna do; I just don’t know
how to get there—”
how more roads dance to live music than make it:
w/ badtrips buzzkills partyfouls & burns—a revelry, of a road,
of puffpuff dulcet “circles” & their sensitive,
hit is it?-rules of sharing, pass & etiquette:
~you cannot cut fire w/ a pair of scissors,
wisely agreed the chorus of the wizards~
but you can, but of course, get
h i g h—
attentive of the insights/the illnesses, of our era’s blood-
tested/body-pierced Search Engines full-on filing
into parking lots of jester-fest life:
altered. nappy.
how we give our bodies to the band:
and you know we just keep kickin’ it, for it’s hard to feel
Americanly Lost
when you & yer fellow friends a-the Unpredictable Jam
out there’d into the Out There, ON
TOUR-uproar’d for the setlist score—for a favorite thing
to do:
TO: Jamband RE: What
do you tour for? [SEND]
INBOX (1): Jamband—Out of Office AutoReply
of festival—high harmonies:
in pursuit to boost & bond, of experience shared:
All Hail! the dearest partners, the Band-Together Band—
All Hail! the Serotonin Seraphim:
all just tryna head deeper (whatever there IS to dEEper
into), & no matter how overgrown, not surprised
how overlook’d:
for while our human eyes seem open, don’t your senses feel
you know I’m not the only i to crave them seldom scenes—
of Pan—of setting Pan free:
heck yeah! concert sugar—like a kid in a kaleidoscope:
you spin w/i? molecular music: at om w/ the atom—
piperPiperPIPER reviving the elusive luminosities we
lack w/i the modern American weather
w/i the modern American-ache Itch Blues:
l’dor v’dor!
(((Whooo’s got my extraaa?)))
ev’ry dancer has a band; ev’ry band, dancer—
nice, love the Bacchus traffic: of arrival:
done set apart our nation’s roads by rockin’ on out to the
many venues in which we catch our most beloved,
but o, brothers & sisters, the party starts—
the Party starts in the Parking Lot!
in light, schwill’d, of crisis after crisis—for song, for scene:
of celebrating the age in which we live:
Wanna see the rest? PLEASE VISIT HERE: jambandbootleg.